BMS (v4.0.31) - 28 March 2020

This release includes enhancements and fixes.

Release Highlights: Automated ticket remediation is now possible with the ability to execute agent procedures during Service Desk workflow. Also, quotes can now be completely customized.


VSA Integration

VSA Agent Procedures can now be executed from workflow rules. For example, if VSA monitoring creates a ticket with "Disk space low" in the description, the workflow can automatically execute a VSA agent procedure to clear temp space. Leveraging the power of service desk workflow and agent procedures, the possibilities are unlimited. A record of the agent procedure execution will be  recorded via ticket activity notes, and will also be shown in a new ticket audit log. You can also drill into the VSA agent procedure execution log directly from the ticket. A historical log shows a record of all agent procedures that were executed by workflow; this log includes the workflow name, agent procedure name, and ticket number.

AgentProc-Workflow.png AgentProc-Ticket.png

BMS Finance

Want to get your quotes looking just the way you want them? You now have unparalleled flexibility to do just that. Similar to invoices, quote layouts and formats can now be completely customized leveraging the power and flexibility of the Ad Hoc reporting engine. There is no need to build custom quotes from scratch: the quote templates that were previously available have been reimagined as Ad Hoc templates which can be found under the 'System' folder in Ad Hoc reports. These templates can be used as-is, or they can be copied to the Public Reports folder where they can be customized. Using the Ad Hoc reporting tool you can tailor the quote templates to match your brand by formatting borders, fonts, text & background colors, bold, italic, and more. You can also configure quote templates to show just the data you want your clients to see by adding text and data fields to header, line-item, and footer areas. Quote-Settings.pngQuote-AdHoc.png

BMS Authanvil (Passly)

The legacy AuthAnvil(Passly) authentication integration can no longer be activated. In those cases where it has been previously activated, the legacy integration will remain active; however, Kaseya recommends using SAML SSO to integrate with AuthAnvil(Passly).

BMS Documentation

The BMS About page and Release Banner were updated to point to the New Release Notes page.

BMS Email Engine

Multiple replies to the same ticket notification will now be grouped in a single conversation view in Outlook.

BMS Reports

Multiple Ad Hoc reporting objects have been refactored resulting in significant performance improvement.

BMS Service Desk

Hardware assets can now be filtered by description both on the hardware asset list, and also when assigning an asset to a ticket.


Email Parser Fixed: Added more logic to email parser to prevent issues from arising.
CRM Fixed: It was not possible to add as a domain name in the CRM account domains.
CRM Fixed: Adding a line item and selecting on the "Period" section "Per Day"  set the quote  to  "Quarterly" instead of "Per Day."
CRM Fixed: The fax number was not copied when importing accounts to BMS.
Finance Fixed: The contract had exclusions when the time entries were set as zero value items.
Finance Fixed: Added inner exception logging to catch errors in the case of billing automation failure.
Finance Fixed: The invoice was generated based on the original template instead of the Ad-Hoc template when it was marked as "Fully Paid" and sent to the customer.
Integration Fixed: The log showed two target URL records for the same action when alarms/tickets were created and transferred to BMS.
Project Management Fixed: Cost Type was not being set when importing the tasks using the Excel import template for the project.
BMS-QuickBooks Integration Fixed: A wrong validation message was displayed when user was trying to connect to the account with a wrong URL for target server.
BMS-QuickBooks Integration Fixed: Select All did not respect filtered results when exporting data.
BMS-RMM Integration Fixed: The Ticket Status Mapping tab turned out to be blank while configuring the Continuum RMM integration.